Automatic Error Handling in LabVIEW

Error Cluster:
                     Any cluster containing Boolean, I32-Numeric and String in the same order is treated as error cluster in LabVIEW. The details of the elements are

1) Name: Status - Data type: Boolean - Order :0th Element
2) Name: Code - Date type: I32 - Order 1st Element
3) Name: Source - Date type :String - Order 2nd Element

Based on the Values the of these elements the information is classified into 3 categories.

1) Error: If the Status value is True, then it is called Error irrespective of the values of numeric and the string.
2) Warning: If the Boolean value is False and the numeric is Non zero, then it is called Warning irrespective of string.
3) No Error: If the Boolean is False and the numeric is Zero, then it is called No Error.


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