LabVIEW + 2 myDAQ Challenge

With reference to this example "" , I have small LabVIEW challenge for you.

Using two NI myDAQ cards (i.e. total 16 DIO lines) connect 8 seven segment display, and display the message "Hello. Hi" initially, Later display some random number generated from the PC as per the spec below.

Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Details.png

  1. you need to connect all the 8 DIO lines from first myDAQ to 8 pins of all 8 seven segment display units.(Refer P1 DIO 0 to 7 in the above diagram) 
    • when you connect the reference pin of all 7 Segment displays to 5 volts, it should display same character in all the units. But don't connect, Just follow the next wiring step.
  2. Now using the second myDAQ connect 8 DIO lines to the  reference pins of the eight seven segment display. (Refer P0 DIO 0 to 7 in the above diagram) 
    • This way the second myDAQ acts as a selector.

Use the time slicing technique. Multiplex the data lines and send your message character by character (like a processor sending data to different memory locations using same data bus but different address).

LabVIEW Application Requirements:
                               When the application loads it should show the below message. “Hello.HiInit Message.png

If the user disables the simulation it should be able to drive two myDAQs. if simulation is true, it should not drive any hardware.

Generate Random #: Whenever user clicks on this button it should generate a random real number ranging from 0.0000001 to 99999999. And the same to be displayed on number indicator and the UI Indicator as well as the Hardware (if simulation is off), as shown below.Random Message.png

Stop: When user clicks on this stop button the application should stop with in 1 second.

P.S: I strongly recommend to use State machine or Producer consumer architecture to solve this challenge.



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